Monday, April 25, 2011

Why Get on the Web??

Picture it. Modern times. A young American wants to 
     a) Plan a trip cross country
     b) Find a local Florist
     c) Learn to website coding
Where would this person go, or have gone to find all of this information? Well if this person lived before 1990, the answer would probably be to physical locations, like AAA, the White pages. or the library. 

But now-a-days, less than thirty years later, all of those questions are being answered in the same place...on the WEB. 

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Tutorial on Using Google Calendar

This is actually NOT my tutorial, but one from Beautiful Beta that I am sharing with you. Click on the link and learn how to use your Google Calendar on your Blog!!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Blogger for Business Websites

So this of course is for those looking to get on the web, who have never thought to get on the web before. I plan to look at in these tutorials, all that I have learned about all of the applications that I use for my clients and why YOU should want to try them out for yourself. 

For starters, small business owners don't have a ton of time to do a great many things, and most don't have a lot of resources that they can devote to Traditional Marketing ie commercials or print ads. BUT with a little time and effort a small business owner CAN harness the powerful marketing tools of social media to get their name out let's begin.

This first podcast is simply an introduction into all that is out there in the Blogging world via Blogger. Do note though, that there's infinite possibilities in all manner of platforms, Blogger is just what I choose to use and teach.

Welcome Podcast by TheDollyP

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Why I use Blogger for my Clients (Overview)

I just finished another website, that I have linked to on here, and I must say I am very excited for this one and for all that it can do for the friend in whom I created it for. For those who love to help others out there's nothing like knowing that you are able to add something to another person's  life.

And as for this website I think I want to add a bit more about the applications that I use to help individuals and small companies get their websites up and going in less than a week's time.

The biggest thing is this thing called the Blogger platform.