I just finished another website, that I have linked to on here, and I must say I am very excited for this one and for all that it can do for the friend in whom I created it for. For those who love to help others out there's nothing like knowing that you are able to add something to another person's life.
And as for this website I think I want to add a bit more about the applications that I use to help individuals and small companies get their websites up and going in less than a week's time.
The biggest thing is this thing called the Blogger platform.
I've read many places, and have even talked to a few people who have told me that if one is in business that you must, MUST be using Wordpress. And this is not to knock Wordpress and their amazing applications and platform, but the whole thing confused the living daylights out of me!
There are undoubtedly a grand amount of things that can be done from the Wordpress.org platform, but for the free Wordpress.com....for me...not worth it. I couldn't get with the dashboard and the flagrant amount of posturing that I had to go through in order to get one thing done. But like I said...this is for the Wordpress.com application. There is no doubt in my mind that the Wordpress.org application would be worth it just because of the added applications and gadgets or widgets that I could use...(more than ten thousand). This is compared to the oh, thousand or so widgets that are supported on Blogger.
But as I said before...the key to me is in the efficiency and the ease of use for everyone involved. So as a beginner, who has little to no time to devote to updating their website, AND little to no extra resources to devote to paying someone else to do so for them...the Blogger platform is their perfect solution.
From the free hosting of their website, to the ease of integrating one's free gmail account and its applications with their Blog, Blogger makes an ideal place to get started on the web for beginners. YouTube videos, Picasa photos, Google-docs documents, and your Calendar, are all a simple mouse-click away from being added to every post and page. And this does not take into account the many applications that are suitable to be added as widgets to the platform through ready made html, like Weather Bug, the Wibiya bar and Twitter, just to name a couple.
Moreover most of this is done with little to no money down. If I'm the one setting it up...then little, if you're doing it yourself, then NO money down. That's right, NO money out of pocket. And updates can take as little or as much time as you want, but to put it simply, for someone just stepping into out into this world with a minimal budget for marketing, I'd take this any day of the week.
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